Interloper Films Admin

Joined 11 years ago

Facebook Offers $1 billion for Waze

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Facebook in talks to offer 1 Billion for Waze We are beyond flattered at the Twitter Buzz regarding our coverage of Waze a revolutionary traffic app, in our web series "Startup Life" back in October 2012. A Total D...

Amanda Palmer : Organizing a Ninja Gig

3.73K Views0 Comments

In episode 2 of our CEA (Chief Executive Artist) series featuring musician & social-media maverick, Amanda Palmer, AFP shows artists how to put together a ninja gig. Harnessing her social media popularity, she pul...

Film Independent’s Movie Hackathon Awards $2500 Prize to the Best Film-Related App

3.67K Views0 Comments

Check out the full interview on our new Search & Discovery platform. You can search the interview down to the word to learn more about what interests you! Film Independent's Movie Hackathon Awards Film Independe...