Monthly Archives: June 2015

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Can You Change The Lives of 1 Billion People? – Peter Diamandis – Singularity

10.94K Views24 Comments

Check out the full interview on our new Search & Discovery platform. You can search the interview down to the word to learn more about what interests you! How would you improve the lives of 1 billion people? Pete...

BRAND: A Second Coming sells to Ignite Channel

10.85K Views22 Comments

Ondi Timoner directed the acclaimed SXSW and LA Film Festival entry, which will receive a theatrical release Hours before it screens at the Los Angeles Film Festival, Ondi Timoner‘s acclaimed Russell Bran...

Singularity and Evolution – Are we ALL becoming God? Peter Diamandis

11.84K Views19 Comments

Check out the full interview on our new Search & Discovery platform. You can search the interview down to the word to learn more about what interests you! How close are we to a meta-consciousness?  Peter Diamandi...

Stephen Hawking Defys Gravity – Singularity University with Peter Diamandis

12.69K Views17 Comments

Check out the full interview on our new Search & Discovery platform. You can search the interview down to the word to learn more about what interests you! America's Forefathers were risk takers, but Peter Diamand...