Monthly Archives: March 2015

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“Timoner… [is]… the perfect person to track Brand’s ambitions, contradictions, and self-described martyrdom” – Indiewire

3.38K Views12 Comments

It is only fitting that actor, comedian, and author Russell Brand has ramped up his activist side in the past several years, as few other recent figures in pop culture have tested the powers of public perception q...

BRAND is “Jolting… Invigorating… Ground-shifting… It’s a brilliant go-for-it thing”

3.33K Views12 Comments

I can’t overstate how jolting and invigorating and even ground-shifting Ondi Timoner‘s Brand: A Second Coming plays, especially during the second viewing and especially when it hits the 40-minute mark, which is wh...

BRAND: A Second Coming is “Entertaining and…funny” – Variety

3.20K Views9 Comments

Russell Brand created some high-profile drama at the last minute by choosing not to attend the world premiere of Ondi Timoner’s documentary about him (or give his scheduled keynote speech) at SXSW — probably getti...