Tag: Twitter
Author Eric Ries explains The Pivot
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Find out how startups “pivot” their strategy and evolve into thriving companies.
Dom Sagolla, Twitter Founder: From Failure to Success | The Pivot
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Twitter's pivot from failure to success
Amanda Palmer – Ninja Gig, SXSW 2013 | A Total Disruption
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Check out the full interview on our new Search & Discovery platform. You can search the interview down to the word to learn more about what interests you! During SXSW, 2013 in Austin, Texas, Amanda Palmer put on ...
Protected: Travis Kalanick & Lean Startup Conference SXSW – 2013 Introduction
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Indiewire Features ATD’s Twitter Video | A Total Disruption
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Twitter Video Featured on VentureBeat | How Twitter Pivoted – A Total Disruption
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